If you haven’t strategized a mobile marketing plan, you have lost a lot of sales and revenue. Yes this era where mobile phones have become a necessity, the marketers are targeting the new way to increase sales, through mobile marketing. The mobiles seemed to have risen as the most powerful tool for communication. Whereabouts on […]
Author: Mr. Mechie
Photography Experience with Manfrotto MK290XTA3-3WUS 290 Xtra 3-Way Head Kit (Black) – A Detailed Review!
When people ask me the best piece of photography advice, I always say it is the Kit you use. And the indispensable part of my photography kit is the “Tripod”. My tripod needs to be a perfect balance of weight to carry around and stability it offers. Zeroing upon the best is a tough call […]
Five Ways We Can Help You in Improving SEO Ranking
Just getting a website, up and running is not enough. No matter how beautiful and well-developed your website is; if you cannot appear in the searches, you won’t earn the profit. Having a high SEO ranking is crucial for any business entity as it plays an important role in revenue generation. There are various methods […]
100 रोजमर्रा में प्रयोग होने वाली वस्तुएँ/ शब्द और उनके हिन्दी नाम
चाहे-अनचाहे हम आजकल हिन्दी बोलते समय कुछ ज्यादा ही अंग्रेज़ी शब्द इस्तेमाल करने लगे हैं। इसका दुष्परिणाम यह है कि सामान्यतया प्रयोग में आने वाले हिन्दी शब्द भी हमारी ज़ुबान से उतरते जा रहे हैं। कहीं आप पूरी तरह ही उन शब्दों को ना भूल जाएँ, इसलिए लिए हमने रोजमर्रा में प्रयोग आने वाली 100 […]
Beginner’s Guide for Digital Marketing
Don’t know what is digital marketing? Let us guide you through. In simple terms, it means formulating and implementing a digital marketing strategy for an organization. In modern times, business houses cannot afford to ignore digital marketing as technology is an integral component of our life. In hindsight, a business without a digital marketing plan […]