Bell pepper, also known as capsicum, is botanically a fruit but commonly used as a vegetable in our kitchen. Bell pepper is a low-calorie, high nutrition food. It contains high water content & is a very good source of Fibre, protein, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin k, potassium & folate.
Bell peppers are the fruit of the plant Capsicum annum, they come in rainbow colors like red, purple, green, white & yellow. Its color shows the ripeness of fruit, like red ones which are the ripe fruit whereas green bell peppers are the unripe fruit. Red bell peppers are rich in carotenoid content and it has comparatively high vitamin C and vitamin A than green bell peppers, only the perm green variety of bell pepper remain their green color even at its ripening stage, These different colors have slightly different taste that may vary in the ripeness of the fruit.

Nutritional Properties of bell peppers
Bell peppers are an excellent source of various antioxidants especially in colored peppers, like quercetin, capsanthin, lutein. Antioxidant removes the free radical formation from the body and prevent oxidation; these free radicals are responsible for numerous health diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases.
High vitamin C
Bell pepper is an excellent source of vitamin C, which gives a variety of health effects. Vitamin C is good for skin & hair, it also prevents inflammatory conditions.
Low-calorie food
It is exceptionally high in nutritional value but low in calories, making them a healthy food choice. Low-calorie food is easily digestible and increases metabolism which helps in weight loss
Bell pepper has naturally occurring sugars in abundance; red bell peppers have more carbs than green bell peppers
Vitamin E
This essential vitamin is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E has various health effects on our body it supports working nerves working, the immune system.
Bell peppers contain fiber which is important for digestion and promoting bowel moment.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is present abundantly in Red bell pepper which facilitates the production of healthy skin and hairs.
Health Benefits of Bell Pepper
Apart from their delicious taste and aroma, Bell peppers are widely consumed more because of their beneficial health effects on the body; incorporating bell pepper in your meal may give you a variety of health benefits.
- Improve anaemia
Bell peppers are a decent source of iron, vitamin K, and folate, which may help in the prevention of anaemia as it will improve blood carrying oxygen capacity.
2. Prevent heart diseases.
Potassium present in bell pepper may improve heart health. It is rich in vitamin C, which may remove toxin and plaque formation from the blood vessels and maintain normal blood flow in the heart.
3. Rheumatoid arthritis
These are extremely beneficial for preventing inflammatory conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, etc.
4. Good for eye health
Carotenoids are antioxidants that help in protecting eye health. Bell pepper decreases the risk of cataracts and early macular degeneration. It is believed that an increased intake of bell peppers may repair macula.
5. Considered as anti-cancerous food
Bell peppers reduce the risk of cancer by showing powerful antioxidant property as it decreases free radical formation which is responsible for cancerous cell growth.
5. Immunity booster
Having bell pepper in the diet boosts the immunity system, as it is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E which are good for improving immunity and decreasing inflammation-like conditions.
6. Anti-Aging
Bell peppers are rich in vitamin A that helps in the production of collagen. After 30 our body is not capable of making collagen effectively so eating a diet rich in vitamin A is good for skin and hair health.
Edible Parts of bell pepper
Bell peppers are added to a variety of dishes to make them more delicious and nutritious its fruits are commonly added in the making of vegetables, toppings, and salads. You can remove its seeds, but Now, its seeds ‘paprika’ is also widely used because of their variety of health effects.
Nutrients present in bell pepper
Bell pepper 100gms contain:
Water (93%)
Fiber (2g)
carbohydrate (4g)
Protein (0.90g)
Vitamin C (80.4mg)
Vitamin A (18 micrograms)
Vitamin b6 (0.225mg)
Vitamin E (0.37mg)
Vitamin k (7.4 micrograms)
Potassium (175mg)
Folate (10microg)
Calcium 10mg
The healthiest variety of bell peppers
Red bell peppers have a higher nutrient value than others. It is rich in carotenoids and vitamin C, the brighter & glossier color of bell pepper shows the higher nutritional value
How much you should eat a day?
There is no limit for how much bell pepper someone should eat a day, but for a 2000 calorie diet, bell pepper serving size should be 150g, which is one medium size bell pepper you can have in your meal daily.
How to have it?
Bell peppers are a perfect option for snacking purposes. It is good when steamed, stir-fried, and grilled. You can have it with any grain and vegetable. Some healthy and easy options you can have in your diet.
Sauté veg
Baked egg and veg omelet
Stuffed bell pepper
Vegetable pulao

How to choose & Store bell pepper?
A fresh bell pepper has a green stem attached to it & is slightly heavy and glossier. We can store green bell peppers for a long time than other varieties. You can refrigerate bell peppers for one week after that they may get started deteriorating.
Wrinkled, brown flaky is the sign of rot bell pepper.
Is bell pepper safe to eat?
Bell pepper is completely safe to eat for both kids and elders but people who have food allergy they can skip it, these allergies are:
Bell pepper allergy- some people may feel uneasiness, throat swelling, itching like condition after having bell pepper they must avoid it or they can consult with their doctor before having it in a meal
Nightshade allergy: bell peppers belong to the nightshade family, some people who have allergies to the nightshade are advised not to eat bell pepper, as it comes under the nightshade family that may cause discomfort and irritation.